Vinyl Sustainability Council Presents Social Impact Award to GEON Performance Solutions & HMTX Industries
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3, 2020 – The Vinyl Sustainability Council (VSC), a self-funded business council advancing sustainability in the vinyl industry, presented the 2020 Social Impact Award at its annual meeting to GEON Performance Solutions, of Westlake, Ohio, and HMTX Industries, of Norwalk, Connecticut.
“Social sustainability is an important component of corporate social responsibility,” said Jay Thomas, VSC Executive Director. “These award recipients have demonstrated their commitment to improving the lives of people and the communities where they live and work. I’m proud to be able to present the 2020 Social Impact Award to both GEON and HMTX.”
The Social Impact Award recognizes the efforts of a VSC member that has demonstrated a strong commitment to community well-being and longevity. This annual award acknowledges outstanding projects or program that addresses a social concern utilizing a company’s resources to have a positive impact.
GEON Performance Solutions’ Project Collaboration
GEON Performance Solutions, a global leader in engineered polymers, knew that they had the means to provide some sort of relief effort when COVID-19 struck. By combining their technical and manufacturing strengths, the company conceived and developed the innovative program “Project Collaboration,” a hotline and service for designers and manufacturers of medical and healthcare products and those who found themselves retooling operations to develop COVID-related products.
“Our goal was simple,” said Larry Shaw, GEON Chief Commercial Officer/Senior Vice President. “To support peer companies and colleagues who wanted to make a positive impact on the pandemic. We engaged our employees first to ensure they could support and understand what we were trying to accomplish. And across the board, their response was unanimous: ‘We’ll do anything we can to help.’ I’m extremely proud of our team for their hard work through it all and greatly appreciate the VSC’s recognition.”
When the pandemic first began in the spring, many companies found themselves wanting to help, but without the necessary means to do so, whether due to issues meeting demand, limited resources to implement ideas, or other obstacles. Through Project Collaboration GEON offered its expertise, at no cost, to small- and medium-sized companies to help bring these products to market. GEON’s support included assistance with challenges related to logistics, supply, sourcing, technical, commercial, and manufacturing operations.
GEON was contacted by more than 50 companies and able to fulfill numerous requests. In one instance, GEON connected with GOEX Corporation, a Wisconsin manufacturer of plastic sheet, to develop and produce protective face shields from PVC. GOEX was already donating face shields to local hospitals but was facing a shortage of raw materials when they reached out to GEON for a solution. GEON fabricated a transparent PVC to meet the stringent requirements, and ultimately GEON was so pleased with the result, they commissioned and donated 60,000 medical grade face shields to local hospitals, schools, and first responders.
“GEON’s response to the pandemic spotlights how one company can facilitate a greater impact by the entire vinyl industry,” Thomas said. “We will make the greatest strides in our sustainability journey when we are working together. And as we continue to navigate the pandemic, collaboration will be key to ensuring we are providing the greatest impact.”
HMTX Industries’ Halstead/Metroflor Addiction Crisis
HMTX Industries, a family of luxury vinyl tile brands, founded a nonprofit to battle the addiction epidemic that is affecting communities nationwide. Halstead/Metroflor Addiction Crisis (HMAC), founded in 2018, provides rehabilitation “scholarships” and support to families who otherwise would not be financially able to help their loved ones suffering from substance addiction disorders.
“Addiction is harming our communities nationwide – no city or town is immune to its effects,” said Paul Eanes, Metroflor Corporation Vice President of Business Development and HMAC Program Chair. “And these aren’t just checks we’re writing out – we’re receiving testimonials from the individuals who have received our scholarships about how their lives have changed for the better. We thank the VSC for recognizing us and shining light on this important issue.”
The nonprofit is made up of a core team of 10 employees, including Eanes and his team. Inspired by the mission, they have donated more than 1,700 hours of their time to the cause.
HMAC is more than halfway to its goal of raising $500,000 through a number of charity events. Each dollar raised is matched dollar for dollar by HMTX’s founders, the Stone Family, for a total of $1 million. The $234,000 raised to date has funded more than 25 rehabilitation scholarships.
“HMTX’s efforts are having a profound impact on building a sustainable community, transforming the lives of dozens of people suffering from substance abuse disorders.” Thomas said. “We applaud HMTX for taking a lead within our industry to battle this crisis.”
About the Vinyl Sustainability Council
The Vinyl Sustainability Council (VSC), founded in 2016 in partnership with the Vinyl Institute, is a council created to advance the vinyl industry’s efforts in addressing sustainability. The VSC is a collaborative platform for companies, organizations and other industry stakeholders to come together to create a sustainable development path for the industry. For more information, please visit vantagevinyl.com/vinyl-sustainability-council/.