About Us
The Vinyl Sustainability Council (VSC) is a voluntary membership organization that is taking a leadership role in uniting the industry to advance sustainable performance throughout the vinyl value chain.
Based on an industry stakeholder materiality assessment, the VSC focuses its efforts in three impact categories: Resource Efficiency, People and Community, and Emissions. Together, VSC members have established baselines and determined goals to track and report on the vinyl industry’s progress.
The VSC launched +Vantage Vinyl™, the U.S. first-ever industry-wide sustainability initiative that verifies VSC member companies that are making sustainability advancements within each of the impact categories. +Vantage Vinyl-verified companies are verified by an independent third-party and are awarded the use of the +Vantage Vinyl mark to signify they are contributing to the industry goals and reporting their progress on an annual basis.
VSC membership includes, and is open to, companies and organization throughout the vinyl/PVC value chain including: resin, compound and additive manufacturers, vinyl product manufacturers, extruders, recyclers, equipment manufacturers, distributors, and retailers.
Vinyl Sustainability Council Members
The VSC has more than 75 organizations participating, and membership continues to grow.
VSC Membership Benefits
- Be recognized by your customers and stakeholders as a sustainability leader.
- Participate in and forge the future of the +Vantage Vinyl brand.
- Accelerate your company’s sustainability journey through collaboration with peers, suppliers, and customers on sustainability-related issues.
- Create common sustainability strategies, action plans, communications, and education materials.
- Identify opportunities for sustainability driven product and process innovation.
- Create industry sustainability goals, KPIs, and company engagement criteria.
- Show leadership and drive business differentiation.
How The VSC Works
The VSC has four levels of membership engagement: Primary Stakeholder, Associate, V-cycle, and Trade Association. The VSC leadership committee is chosen from Primary Stakeholder Members and is comprised of eight seats held by representatives from different market sectors of the value chain.
The VSC believes making an industry more sustainable is not something that can be accomplished alone but is possible through continued collaboration of everyone in the industry. The VSC has created task forces assigned to work on the impact categories identified in the industry’s materiality assessment focused on: Resource Efficiency (V-Cycle), People & Community, and Emissions. VSC members take part in these task forces and lend their insights to these quarterly-held task force meetings.
Learn more information about VSC membership and benefits by clicking here. Review the application for VSC membership by clicking here.
If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a VSC member, please contact Jennifer Armstrong.
Vinyl Sustainability Council Staff

Jay Thomas, VSC Executive Director
Jay is responsible for the strategic direction and implementation of +Vantage Vinyl, the U.S. vinyl industry’s sustainability initiative. He has more than 20 years’ experience in the vinyl industry working for wire & cable, flooring, and roofing product manufacturers in a variety of roles. He is a certified Green Globes Professional with more than 10 years’ sustainability experience and is a Director of the Green Building Initiative. Jay is a certified Six Sigma Lean Black Belt Professional.

Jennifer Armstrong, VSC Sustainability Director
Jennifer is responsible for providing hands-on support in managing the +Vantage Vinyl industry sustainability initiative and assistance in growing VSC membership. Additionally, she is responsible for organizing and continuously improving information pertaining to industry sustainability data. Jennifer has experience working in a variety of sustainability roles within the international nonprofit space.