Aurora Material Solutions
Aurora Material Solutions is committed to being a sustainable and responsible leader in the industry by continuously seeking ways for its manufacturing operations to have the smallest possible environmental impact. The goal is to enhance the quality of life for employees, customers, and communities, and it guides the company’s day-to-day operations.
Aurora Material Solutions maintains five manufacturing facilities in both the U.S and Canada. The company has integrated pollution prevention, biodiversity, and resource conservation into business decision making. Aurora Material Solutions is continuously seeking to develop and improve operations and technologies to decrease waste, prevent pollution, and minimize health and safety risks.
Leading by Example
In 2021, Aurora Material Solutions set a goal to identify and execute a 5% savings against the yearly energy/waste expenditure. For starters, Aurora Material Solutions identified a baseline assessment to understand the current state of each production facility, including a benchmark against common best practices. Current initiatives include upgrading factory lighting to energy-efficient, cooler, LED lamps; and installing solar panels on the roof of manufacturing facilities.
In addition, Aurora Material Solutions has made efforts towards water and waste conservation. Stormwater-run off is monitored at several facilities, and excess water is collected so that it is not discharged to the local municipal system. Instead, collected water is allowed to evaporate, and the company disposes of the minimal solids that are generated by this process.
To reduce waste at each facility, the company selects and sells scrap and off-grade PVC to recyclers or ensures material is utilized in various industrial end product applications. This effort results in over 1 million pounds of PVC compound scrap being sold to recyclers each year and more than 7 million pounds of scrap are kept out of landfills annually through re-purpose end application use.
Maximizing the Handprint
Beyond a commitment to minimizing its manufacturing and operations impact is maximizing the downstream impact, or handprint, where possible. For example, Auroralite™ RPVC cellular foam – a lightweight, low-density wood replacement – can make more parts with less compound to make extrusion profiles up to 70% lighter.
About Aurora Material Solutions
Aurora Material Solutions manufactures the highest-quality advanced polymers, custom plastics, and compounds, for a variety of applications in the building and construction, industrial, wire and cable, and consumer product industries. From August 2016 to August 2021, Aurora Material Solutions company expanded from two manufacturing facilities to five. Aurora Material Solutions continually makes investments in capacity expansion and equipment to better serve its customers’ increasingly demanding needs and expand into new markets, product platforms and applications.
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Why +Vantage Vinyl™?
It is easy to talk about sustainability, but more challenging to put it into action. Aurora Material Solutions is proud to be +Vantage Vinyl Verified and the validation it brings knowing that Aurora Material Solutions is on the right path. Aurora Material Solutions has built a strong foundation for continuous improvement by working to use more efficient resources and be a sustainable leader in the industry.
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